Fracking Waste Products
The huge quantities of waste generated by fracking pose a significant disposal problem for the industry as well as health and environmental impacts to nearby and distant communities. Congress has exempted oil and gas waste from the definition of hazardous waste, even though it routinely exceeds criteria for such classification, eliminating tracking requirements for its handling, storage, treatment and disposal. Public and private wastewater treatment facilities are not capable of processing the hazardous chemicals and radioactive materials produced by drilling activities.
Spreading of brine-laced fracking wastewater or its byproducts for dust control and de-icing on roads increases the risk of exposure to drivers and pedestrians as well as contamination of nearby fields and surface waters. Road spreading can also contaminate groundwater, and increase the risk of inhalation and ingestion of radioactive materials and toxic chemicals by humans and livestock.
To learn more about fracking waste and how many counties in the northeast have banned fracking waste products, please visit Grassrootsinfo.org.

Photo courtesy of KW Engineering