Program Overview
It began with a simple question: "What makes a town really green?"
In the course of researching the answer we discovered inspiring people and outstanding organizations all across the country, each holding pieces of the puzzle—creative and practical solutions to some of our most pressing and vexing problems. Their ideas and programs fill the pages of our web site, and we are deeply grateful for their efforts.
The criteria are divided into ten categories, each with a series of questions. Click on the link in the question to find practical, workable solutions to the problem. Under "Who's Doing It Right?" you'll find links to towns and cities that have faced that particular issue and developed policies and programs that successfully address it.
Where appropriate, we have also included "Resources"—links to federal and state agencies that provide informational, and in some cases, financial resources for towns and villages.

We are always looking for new programmatic and policy solutions to complex environmental and sustainability issues. Please contact us with your comments and suggestions.