No-Idling Policy
The unnecessary idling of motor vehicles is a key contributor to poor air quality, the greatest environmental threat to public health globally according to the United Nations Environment Program. Compromised air quality accounts for an estimated 7 million premature deaths every year, and has been linked to respiratory illnesses, birth defects, heart problems, cancer, and other serious health conditions and illnesses.
Vehicle exhaust typically contains a toxic mixture of chemicals, including endocrine disruptors, neurotoxins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and fine particulate matter which can lodge deep in the lungs. These toxins impact everyone, especially children, pregnant women, the elderly or those with compromised health.
As a result, "No-Idling" ordinances are popping up all over the country as states, cities and even local municipalities seek to improve air quality. Many are also adopting zero-tolerance idling policies for town-owned vehicles.

A No-Idling sign in Burlington, VT
Sample policy:
"No vehicle owned by or operated for the benefit of the town (village, city) of _____, other than an authorized emergency motor vehicle, shall be permitted to idle unless the engine is used to operate a loading, unloading or processing device, or when the ambient temperature is below freezing, or when federal, state or local agency regulations require the maintenance of a specific temperature for passenger comfort."

New York City offers a cash reward to citizens who report the unnecessary (and illegal) idling of motor vehicles, presumably paid for by revenues from enforcement. One man earned $125,000 from his reports.
The State of Vermont has adopted a strict policy on motor vehicle idling, thanks in large part to Wayne Michaud and his Idle-Free Vermont campaign, which has now become Idle-Free California.
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[7] Gonzalez, E., et al. (2009). Idling cars, buses damage environment, violate law (Rep.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, 1-3.