State Funding
& Grant Opportunities
New Jersey
New York
South Carolina
The Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection provides links to all state and federal grants, loans and tax incentives for protecting the environment.
The State of Connecticut offers four distinct brownfield financial programs to help municipalities and private developers remediate neighborhoods, districts, corridors, downtowns, waterfront zones or other areas.
The Farm Viability Grant fund projects which implement local land use or agricultural regulations, farmland protection strategies, provide educational workshops for farmers, fund advertising for local or regional agriculture, and establish local farmers' market.
The Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition (OSWA) Grant Program provides financial assistance to municipalities and nonprofit land conservation organizations to acquire land for open space and to water companies to acquire land to be classified as Class I or Class II water supply property.
The Urban Green and Community Gardens Grants can be used by distressed municipalities and targeted investment communities to develop or enhance urban open space for public enjoyment and/or environmental education, such as the development of a community garden or reclaiming and enhancing existing open space to allow public use.
The Senior Produce and Honey Extra Redemption Endorsement (SPHERE) Grant Program is a Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) doubling program for the 2018 farmers’ market season.
The Responsible Growth and Transit-Oriented Development (RGTOD) Grant Program is a competitive grant program intended to provide funding to municipalities and regional councils of government for transit programs and projects that demonstrate responsible growth through their consistency with the Conservation & Development Policies: The Plan for Connecticut 2013-2018.
EVConnecticut’s Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure Development (H2Fuels) Program will award up to $840,000 to develop and operate a retail hydrogen fueling station in the greater New Haven area.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources offers grants for programs involving recreation, aquatic & wildlife, forestry, and law enforcement & safety.
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality administers brownfields grants, coastal management grants, monitoring and stream cleanup grants, nonpoint source grants, pollution prevention grants and loans, scrap tire grants, and storm water and infrastructure grants.
The Michigan Department of Transportation administers a number of transit related grants.
All New Jersey State government grants can be accessed here.
Farmers Market Promotion Grants are targeted to help improve and expand domestic farmers markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture programs and other direct producer-to-consumer market opportunities.
New Jersey's Clean Energy Program is a statewide program that offers financial incentives, programs and services for New Jersey residents, business owners and local governments to help them save energy, money and the environment.
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection administers a number of Grant and Loan Programs with funding for projects addressing air quality, energy and sustainability; engineering & construction; natural and historic resources; site remediation & waste management programs; water resource management; compliance and enforcement; and litter abatement.
New Jersey Department of Transportation funds county and municipal governments efforts to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the state’s transportation system through eight programs: municipal aid, county aid, local aid infrastructure fund, bikeways, safe streets to transit, transit village, local bridges future needs, and the local freight impact fund.
Sustainable Jersey is a nonprofit organization that provides tools, training and financial incentives to support communities as they pursue sustainability programs.
The Climate Smart Communities program of the Department of Environmental Conservation provides funding and assistance to communities engaged in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improving climate resilience.
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), in cooperation with the NYS Public Service Commission, Con Edison and Westchester County, is developing a program for Consumer Education and Awareness in Westchester
The Department of Environmental Conservation also offers competitive grants to local municipalities for environmental protection and improvement.
The New York State Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation provides grants to a variety of projects that promote recreation, preserve historic and natural resources and generally improve the quality of life in communities throughout the state.
The New York State Pollution Prevention Institute provides an important source of funding for community-focused pollution prevention initiatives
The Local Government Efficiency Program of the New York Department of State provides technical assistance and grants to local governments for the development of projects that will achieve savings and improve municipal efficiency through shared services, cooperative agreements, mergers, consolidations and dissolutions.
The New York State Department of Transportation offers assistance with state and federal grant opportunities for local communities, if you can navigate the poorly designed website.
The South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism administers several grant programs ranging from development of public recreational opportunities throughout the state to marketing support for qualified nonprofit organization. There is also support for beach renourishment and a land and water conservation fund.
The Transportation Alternatives Program is a reimbursement program for Pedestrian Facilities, Bicycle Facilities and Streetscaping projects.
The Flood Mitigation Program is a FEMA grant program that provides funding to states and communities to assist in their efforts to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures
The Rural Infrastructure Authority offers competitive grants to provide assistance in development of reliable infrastructure that complies with environmental quality standards, protects public health from other environmental concerns or improves the capacity of existing infrastructure.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control offers local governments three grant programs in the areas of solid waste reduction and recycling, used motor oil and waste tire.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control administers five environmental grants and loans for businesses and communities.
The South Carolina Energy Office maintains a central clearinghouse on loans, grants and tax incentives available for energy efficiency efforts.